(neu: Details and Dementi in 2. and 3. Absatz)

FRANKFURT (dpa-AFX Broker) – The forerunner of the child labor in an Arbeitsstätte of Hellofresh (ETR:) in the USA that has heavily burdened the agreement with the Kochboxen-Versenders. Der Kurs weitete de Verluste in Verlauf des Handels immer meer aus and schloss with a fast 10 Prozent of 11,835 Euro. Hellofresh dementiarte lowerdessen, Kinder beschäftigt zu haben.

The US Labor Ministry has shown the United States the way to the Beschäftigung of Teenagers in a Koch- und Verpackungssanlage, which the sender ABC News has received for the Wochenende message. Last time, the location in Aurora in the US Federal State of Illinois, an affiliate of the charity factor75, which took over HelloFresh (OTC:) 2020, was affected.

The difference is that the roll is a time-consuming company, according to its own Hellofresh after its own visit after the results of its work. “There is no time for Hellofresh or the Factor selbst Lessjährige beschäftigt”, concrete das Unternehmen. The data you can use is aimed at excluding the Zeitarbeitsfirma.

If you are engaged in preparing the work, the end of the month has started saving your account. The paper came from the beginning of the major edition under the German standard values. The action was not yet informed at the Donnerstag meeting and was clattered at the end of February.

Laut analyst Giles Thorne of the US-Bank has taken the Hellofresh action as “a right under pressure”, while the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not placed Hellofresh under the Arbeitsvermittler. If Thorne is bad, if he goes over the previous spoken hat with Hellofresh, then the Unternehmen geraumer Zeit Protokolle führe, een sicherzustellen, dass in keiner seiner Arbeitsstätten Kinder arbeiten. There are strict delay guarantees for an ethics and compliance program.

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